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What Are The Causes of Lower Back Pain?

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What Are The Causes of Lower Back Pain?

Expert Advice on Lower Back Pain By Dr. Kauser Mujawar

Lower back pain is a common problem that can impact people of all ages. Get some insights from Dr. Kauser Mujawar, a well-known expert in pain management at Painmedic Pain Clinic in Pune. Dr. Kauser Mujawar provided a better understanding of the causes of lower back pain and shared effective strategies for managing it.

1. Causes of Lower Back Pain

1. Poor Posture

According to Dr. Kauser Mujawar, poor posture is a frequent contributor to lower back pain. It is essential to maintain good posture, whether sitting or standing, to promote spinal health. Individuals can help reduce the risk of lower back pain and improve their overall well-being by taking steps to improve posture.

2. Muscle Strain

Muscle strain can indeed be a contributor to lower back pain. Activities such as heavy lifting without proper form can lead to strain on the lower back muscles and cause pain. To prevent this avoid excessive strain on these muscles.

3. Herniated Discs

Another common contributor to lower back pain, as pointed out by her, is herniated discs. When the inner material of a spinal disc protrudes, it can irritate nerves in the surrounding area, causing discomfort. It’s important to be aware of this condition and seek medical attention if symptoms arise.

4. Sciatica

Sciatica, which is a kind of pain that can be felt along the sciatic nerve, is often associated with lower back problems.

2. Management of Lower Back Pain.

Exercise and Stretching

Regular exercise and targeted stretching can help strengthen the lower back muscles and increase flexibility.


She notes that medications such as over-the-counter pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatory drugs can play a role in managing lower back pain. However, he stresses the importance of using them properly under medical guidance.

3. Relief For Nerve Pain

Heat and Cold Therapy

Dr. Kauser Mujawar suggests using heat or cold packs to alleviate nerve-related pain in the affected area. This can help reduce inflammation and provide relief.

Massage and Physical Therapy

Dr. Kauser Mujawar recommends massage and physical therapy to target muscle tension and contribute to the overall relief of nerve pain in the lower back.


Dr. Kauser Mujawar, a pain management expert at Painmedic Pain Clinic in Pune, highlights common causes of lower back pain like poor posture, muscle strain, herniated discs, and sciatica. She emphasizes the significance of good posture and avoiding excessive strain. Her advice includes exercise, proper medication use, and therapies like heat/cold packs, massage, and physical therapy for effective lower back pain management. Her insights offer a comprehensive approach to understanding and dealing with lower back pain.

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